Creating a case...
Nothing in DocketCalendar happens without a case.
Start by clicking on the 'New Case' button in the CASES section of your navigation:
Fill out the case name and select a jurisdiction:
You can optionally fill out the event details which display with each event on your calendar:


you can always modify the details later.
Creating events...
Now that your first case is created, let's create some events!
Access the create events screen by clicking on 'New Events' in the EVENTS section in the sidebar:
Select the case you just created, and select a trigger type, making sure the pre-populated "Jurisdiction" field is correct as well...
Fill in the appropriate trigger and event details:

When you're ready to view a preview of your events click :

At the bottom of the screen you should now see a preview of all the events in this trigger set...
[OPTIONAL] You can deselect which events you would like to remove, view more information about the events, or export the events using your preferred method.

When you're ready to proceed click:

Great! [OPTIONAL] From here you can make changes to the date or the event's description:

Finally, click

to add the events to your calendar & display the export success screen:
Viewing events on the calendar...
Let's go check out those newly-created events on your calendar.
Access the calendar by clicking on the button labeled "Firm Calendar" in the REPORT & CALENDAR section of your sidebar:
Voilà! Your calendar is now filled with the deadlines we just created:
Up next... Managing Cases & Events