You may choose the primary calendar of any Outlook account shared with you, or you can create a new calendar in an Outlook account to serve as the calendar folder. You must follow this procedure, or the new calendar will not work correctly as a calendar folder with DocketCalendar.
Add a Calendar to an Outlook Profile
Log into the Outlook account where you want to create the new calendar.
At the bottom of the screen, click on the three dots and select the folders icon.
Click on the email address and choose new folder from the context menu.
Display the dropdown list in the folder contains the field and select calendar items.
Press the OK button
Name the calendar.
Display the dropdown list in the folder contains the field and select calendar items.
Press the OK button
Manually Adding the Firmwide Calendar to the Shared Calendars List
Open the Outlook account of the staff member and navigate to the calendars page.
From the manage calendars section of the main menu at the top of the screen, select add calendar.
To add the firmwide calendar from the Address Book, click the from address book menu item.
To add the firmwide calendar by opening it, click the open shared calendar menu item. Enter the email address of the Outlook account where the calendar to be shared is located.
Click the OK button.
The shared firmwide calendar will appear in the list of Shared Calendars under the name or display name of the Outlook account where the firmwide calendar is located.