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All Cases displays all of your Active Cases. The search fields are case sensitive. Click View to access the Case details screen or Case View.
The Case View screen is the home screen for your case. Case Details displays all of the information stored on your Case. Case Name, Jurisdiction, Calendars Assigned to the Case, Location Text, Subject Text and Comments or Body Text can all be stored and recalled each time you calculate a new trigger.
When you make changes to the Case, the changes are stored at the case level and applied to all future calculations. Edit Case is also where the Archive Case button is located. (Before you can Archive a case you must first Archive all Triggers.
If you need to update events that have already been applied to your calendar edit either the Trigger or an individual Event.
Outlook Users do not have Email Reminders. Outlook Users have Categories instead of Event Color.
The 'New Events' button will take you to the Create Events screen and automatically select your Case and Jurisdiction. You can also navigate directly to the Create Events screen and select a case from the Case Dropdown Menu.
The View All Events Button on the Case Details Screen gives you a list of all of your case events for that specific case. Events can be sorted by Date, Event Title, Trigger Name and Calendars and all fields are searchable. Searches are case sensitive. Click the View Button to see Event Details and Edit Events.
Triggers will show all Triggers you have calculated and saved to your case. Click the View button to access Trigger Details, Edit or Recalculate your Trigger, and to View and Edit your Trigger Events.