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The Create Events Screen is where you Calculate Deadlines and Create Events for your Cases. From any Case Details Screen, you can click the Create Events Button and you will be taken to the Create Events Screen with your Case Name and Jurisdiction preloaded.
On the Create Events Screen, DocketCalendar will load your Jurisdiction, and your Custom Text Fields.
You can erase or edit the details in the Location, Subject or Description fields. DocketCalendar will remember the changes you make for each Trigger as you calculate and save them to your calendar but it will not overwrite any Text you have saved at the Case level.
To update the text for the Location, Subject, and Comment fields so that the Create Events Screen pre populates with different information, you must go to the Case screen, click Edit Case and make your changes in the Case. (Only do this if you want all future Triggers to have this information)
Select a Trigger, Set the Trigger Date to the appropriate date. The Time Field Field defaults to 8 AM. You only need to set the time if your event includes a time, otherwise leave it set to 8 AM. All Events will be created as All Day Events. If you forget to set the time on a Trigger that requires time, you will be prompted to confirm that you want your appointment time set to 8 AM or you can change it before proceeding. You can also set the length of time for the timed event.
Note: For multi day events IE: Day of Trial (Your trial may be 4 days) DocketCalendar does not support multi day events or events with a different Start and End Date. To accommodate Multi day events we recommend using the Zero Day Event in General Reminders.
You will notice in the first screen shot, the Case is selected and the Description is Pre-filled with a Description from the Case. Add additional information into the Subject and Location to provide more details on your Calendar Events. Example, (Motion to Compel) will populate in the Subject field in between the Case name and the Deadlines (Straight V Narrow (Motion to Compel) L/D to file Notice of Motion)
Once you have set your Date, Time and Text fields, DocketCalendar will Calculate all of your deadlines and produce a list of Events at the bottom of the screen. Scroll Down to view all of your events.
If you have Excluded Events they will be unchecked automatically. You will see in the Results field, a record count for all of the Events calculated.
You can uncheck any events you do not want to save for this trigger. Only checked events will be saved to your Case and Calendars. If you want to review the Court Rules, click the arrow next to the check box to expand the event's details. You will see the full text of the Court Rule for each Deadline and the "Date Rule". We also include the specific part of the Court Rule that pertains to the Date Calculation separately as the Date Rule.
You also have options to Print, Export to Excel, CSV, iCal, or VCS files. If, for example, you want to send your client a copy of the deadlines so they can drop them on their Outlook Calendar. Note: Export files are static files that will not interact with DocketCalendar. To send deadlines to your calendar or your firm's calendars, proceed to the Edit Events / Add Calendars Screen.
To prevent you from placing unnecessary events on your calendar, DocketCalendar will automatically uncheck events that are sub events, or grand children of another event. If you do not wish to add Discovery Cutoff to your calendar, you won't want the last day to file the notice of Discovery Cutoff added to your Calendar. To learn more about Parent and Child Events click here: Parent & Child Events
If you want to see the relationship of the events you have calculated, click the Show Tree View button. Note: If you have manually unchecked any events, those changes will be lost when you change views. If your unchecked events are stored as Excluded Events, they will remain unchecked.
DocketCalendar will proceed to the Edit Events / Add Calendars screen and it will only display the Events you had checked on the Create Events Screen. You notice that there is a new record count. If you unchecked events, this number will reflect the number of Events you will be Adding to your Calendar(s).
To Edit the Date, click in the Date field and date picker will open. Select your new date and the date picker will close. Click Update Date Button
To Edit the Event Text, click the pencil icon next to the event title. The Event will expand to display a blank text field. You can type in the blank edit text field and replace the original text, or you can use the Copy button to copy the original text into the edit text field and then make changes to the text. If you want to abandon your change, click the cancel button. Click Save to Save your changes to the Event title. Note: DocketCalendar will not show the edited Event title. After the event is saved, The text (Edited) will be displayed next to the edit pencil showing that the Event has been edited.
If you missed unchecking an Event on the Create Events Screen, you can uncheck additional events on this screen
Make any changes to the Calendars that will receive the Trigger events. You can Add and Remove Calendars at this stage.
Outlook users can Add and Remove multiple Categories. Google Users can choose or change one Color on the Group of Events.
Google users can modify the Event color and add an additional Popup Reminder and Email reminder for each individual Event.
When you click the Add Events to Calendar(s) button and all of your Events will be added directly to all of the Calendar you have assigned to the Trigger.
You will see a popup message with a % meter showing the status of your Event Export. DO NOT CLOSE YOUR BROWSER until the Export has completed and you see the Confirmation Screen. Processing Events takes time. You can open multiple sessions of DocketCalendar, but not in the same browser. See Multiple Docket Calendar Screens for more information on using multiple sessions of DocketCalendar.