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Calculate Deadlines

  • Calendar Folder: Events created by a rules calculation are placed on the default calendar. You can change the default calendar folder in options. There is a setting to display the calendar folder on the use rules tab.
  • Jurisdiction: Choose a jurisdiction to calculate deadlines.
  • Trigger: Select a trigger from the trigger field dropdown list.
  • Trigger Date: Enter the date of the trigger in the date field.
  • Trigger Time: If the trigger is the type of event that will occur at a specific time, such as a hearing or court conference, enter the time of the event in the time control.
  • Service Type: If the selected trigger is the type of event that requires the service of a pleading or other document, the service type field will become visible on the screen. Select how the document was served from the dropdown list.
  • Show Trigger on Calendar: If you check this option, the selected trigger will appear on your calendar. (Note: This checkbox will only appear if you select show trigger on calendar in general options. Do not check if the trigger is a trial, deposition, hearing, or another event where the triggering event will already be placed on your calendar, or you will see a duplicate event.)
  • Location: Whatever you type in the location field will appear in the location field of events placed on your Outlook calendar as appointments.
  • Category: DocketCalendar will automatically assign the default Outlook category you selected in appointment options. 
  • Case Name: Enter a new case name, or select one from the dropdown list.
  • Text (called custom text in options): Any text you enter into this field will appear at the beginning of the body of each appointment you create using a particular trigger. You can change the default so that it appears at the beginning or end of the subject.

Cases Button

Any case you enter in the case name field will be automatically added to your list of cases. You can use the cases button to control which cases appear in the case name dropdown list.

When you click the cases button, you will see a list of the cases you entered in the case name field. The case names that were automatically saved are listed with the dropdown checkbox checked. 


Removing Cases
  • To remove a case name from the dropdown list, uncheck the checkbox. 
  • To delete a case from the list of case names permanently, click the delete button next to the name of the case. 
  • Click the save button when you are done. 
  • Click the X to close the case name window. 

 (Note: The case names entered, saved, and accessed using the cases button are only stored locally in the Outlook account of the local computer used for the calculation. If another person performs a date calculation for the same case, they will need to enter the case name once on their computer.)

Add Attendees

  • Select the attorneys and other staff members that you wish to post the events being calculated to their individual Outlook calendars by clicking on the add attendee button or double-clicking on the add attendees panel.
  • Select their names from the Outlook address book.
  • The names of the selected staff members will now be listed in the other attendees panel.

Add Attachments 

  • If you want to link one or more documents to the trigger and calculated events, click on the add attachments button or double-click on the add attachments panel.

Calculate Events 

  • Click calculate events button on the toolbar at the top of the screen to create events based on the trigger and trigger date.
  • The list of events will appear in a panel at the bottom of the use rules screen.

Modify or View Details of Calculated Events 

  • Select Events; Task v. Appointment: If you do not want to include an event, uncheck its checkbox. By default, all rules events are treated as appointments (Note: We discourage treating DocketCalendar events as tasks because of limitations in Outlook functionality.)  
  • Change Activity Description: You can change the description of individual events created by DocketCalendar.
  • Change Reminder: You can change the reminder for each event and the time before the event that you will receive a pop-up reminder in Outlook. The default reminder can be changed on the appointment options tab. Use the dropdown list to choose a different time period for the reminder.
  • View Court or Date Rule: You can view the text of the procedural rules that determine the date of the event and the method used to calculate the date. Click the view button next to each event in the court rule or date rule column to display this information in a pop-up window.

  • Add Checked Items: When you are done reviewing the calculated events, click the add checked items button.

  • By default, DocketCalendar will display a verification screen where you can review the information you entered.

  • Click the cancel button if you need to make corrections. Otherwise, click the create events button.
  • DocketCalendar will create the calculated events, and you will get a pop-up confirmation.

  • You can perform another rules calculation by clicking the new button at the top of the screen to clear the calculator screen, but you can retain all of the details and change or re-use the trigger. For example: when doing multiple depositions, change the date and press the calculate events button. This will prevent you from having to re-enter the attendees, case name, text, and other changes you have entered.

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