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Groupings in Reports

If you want to display all events for a particular day, jurisdiction or a location in a DCO Report, you can use groupings. Grouping can give you more room to display lengthy event descriptions in reports in columns, because grouping names are displayed in rows above the list of events displayed in each group rather than in columns.

Sample Report Showing Columns, Grouping and Date Formatting

Useful Groupings for DocketCalendar Reports

You are permitted up to four levels of groupings and groupings can be sorted. For instance you may choose to group your firmwide calendar by date in ascending order and then by jurisdiction or location. This would allow you to see all of the events in a particular court on each day of the week.

First Level Grouping

First level grouping can be Start, Jurisdiction Description and Location. Using Start for grouping results in the day, date and time showing up in rows. The advantage is that the date stands out and saves space on the columns. But grouping by the Start field will result in a grouping for each separate date and time combination, because Outlook does not allow you to group by time separately from date. If you combine grouping by Start with a Filter that displays only All Day events, your report will show all deadlines grouped by date–a useful report.

  • You will find Start and other fields used in an Outlook appointment in the “Frequently-used fields” and “All Appointment fields” groups.
  • Fields specific to DCO–Jurisdiction Description and Location– will display when you select “User-defined fields”.

Other Groupings

If appropriate, you can choose a field for your second grouping.

  • If you choose Jurisdiction Description for your first grouping and Start for your second, the result will be a separate breakdown for each  jurisdiction, showing all events in date order during the date range in question.
  • If you consistently use Location to refer to the venue or the location of the court house, your events will be organized by court.
  • If you use grouping by All Day Event, your deadlines and court appointments will be separated.

Creating a Grouping

To create Grouping:

  • Open the Report and click the View Settings Menu.
  • You can also open Advanced View Settings for the report without opening the report.
  • Click the Group by button.
  • The Group by Screen will open.  You will see that there are fields that allow you to create four levels of groupings.
  • Choose a field to use for the first grouping from the first drop down list under the caption “Group items by”.
  • To find the fields you want to use for groupings, use the filters at the bottom of the left panel of the screen to display the appropriate fields:
  • Select one of the groupings from the list at the bottom of the screen. The fields in that group will now be available in the dropdown list for the group you are working on.
  • Repeat for each level of grouping you want to create.
  • Click OK when you are done.
  • You will be returned to the Advanced View Settings screen.
  • Click OK again to close the screen.
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