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Remove Events from Calendars

There are three methods of removing and managing events with CalendarRules. Remove All Events Relating to a Trigger from All Calendars. You can delete all events relating to a single Trigger at the same time. The events will be removed from the firmwide calendar and marked “Canceled” on the calendars of staff members who received meeting invitations. The canceled events can be removed from those calendars by searching for keyword "canceled" and then selecting all events you wish to remove from calendar. To delete all events relating to a Trigger locate one of the events, double-click on it in the calendar.

Figure 2–Opening a Calendar Event.

The calendar entry will open to a screen that will show you all of the events that were created using the same Trigger Event. The event you opened will be highlighted.

  1. Click the Delete All Events button located above the list.
  • All events listed on the screen will be eliminated from the firmwide calendar or other Calendar Folder where they were posted directly.
  • Where the events were placed on a staff member’s calendar using meeting requests, a cancellation notice will appear in their Outlook inboxes and the event will be marked “Cancelled:”.

Remove Canceled Events from Staff Member Calendars

To remove these events from staff members calendars, the deletion process can be performed on the calendars of each of these staff members.  This task can be performed by the staff members themselves, or any other staff member with the DocketCalendar Add-In installed who has been granted the right to share these calendars.  The procedure is the same as deleting events on the firmwide calendar.

  1. In the calendar view of Outlook account, access the calendar whose events have been marked canceled.

Unless this is your own calendar, you will need to be granted sharing rights and display the calendar on your calendar screen. See the discussion in the previous section displaying shared calendars.

  1. Locate one of the events that was created using DocketCalendar.
  2. You can look at the calendar in day, week or month view to make it easier to see the event.
  3. If you don’t know the date of one of  the events, you can search for it by typing in some of the letters of the event in the search box.
  4. After you locate one of the events, double-click on it in the calendar.
  5. Click the Delete All Events button located on the menu at the top of the event listing.

Removing All Case Events Using  the Search and Update Tool. Using the Search and Update tool, the staff member who created events using DocketCalendar can locate all of the events created in a particular case and remove all events across all Triggers or selectively remove individual events within a specified time frame.  

To Use the Search and Update Tool to Delete Events:

  1. Click on the Search and Update icon located on the right side of the DocketCalendar Add-In Toolbar.

The Search and Update screen will be displayed.

  1. Select the Calendar from the Calendar Folder dropdown list where the events were posted when they were created.
  1. Select a case from Case Name dropdown list where the events were created.

You can only display events for a single case. If you need to remove events from more than one case, you will need to repeat the process for each case.

  1. Select a date from the Cutoff date field.
  1. Click the Find button on the Search and Update tool bar.
  • Search and Update will display all events for the selected case with a date on or after the Cutoff date. You will see a list of events, showing the Trigger used for calculating them.
  • If you want to see whether any of the events are dependent upon other events, select Hierarchy from the View dropdown box.
  1. Check the checkbox next to the events you wish to remove from the calendars.

All events will be checked by default. Uncheck the events you do not want to delete. You can remove all events for a single Trigger or all of the Triggers displayed.

  1. Click the Delete Events button on the toolbar.

All of the selected events will be removed from the selected calendar. Cancellation notices will be sent out for each event to the staff members who originally received the meeting invitations which placed these events on their calendars.

Deleting Individual Events From Calendars. You may simply want to delete one or two items from the firmwide calendar or an individual’s calendar. Staff members can delete individual events from their own calendar or shared calendars, provided they have deletion rights. When you delete a single event or deadline from the firmwide calendar or Calendar Folder, it is removed from that calendar and the event is marked canceled on the calendars of staff members who previously receive meeting requests. 

To delete individual calendar events on a staff member’s Outlook calendar:

  1. Open Outlook to the Calendar page.
  2. Display the calendar on which the events you wish to delete have been placed.

In addition to your own calendar, you can display the calendar belonging to any staff member who has granted you permission to share the calendar with them, including your firm’s firmwide calendar, by clicking the checkbox next to the name of the calendar in your list of shared calendars.

  1. Locate the event you wish to delete on the calendar.
  1. Double-click the event on the calendar you wish to delete.

The calendar event screen will open.

  1. Delete the event.
  • Deleting Event from Firmwide Calendar. If you are deleting an event on the firmwide calendar or other calendar on which the event was placed directly, click the Cancel Meeting button on the left side of the toolbar.

If the event has been placed on the calendars of other staff members through meeting requests, click the Send Cancellation button that will appear after you click on the Cancel Meeting button.

The event will be removed from the firmwide calendar completely, but for the staff members who received meeting invitations, the event will be marked “Canceled” (by adding the word to the Subject of the appointment), but will otherwise remain on their calendars. Note: To remove the canceled events, you will need to search for and locate them on the calendar where they are present and then delete them.

  • Deleting Events from Calendars Created Through Meeting Requests.  If the event was placed on a calendar through a meeting request, click the Delete button on the left side of the toolbar.

A small dialog will appear asking you whether you want to respond to the meeting organizer. Although it is not necessary to respond to the meeting organizer, you can choose either Yes or No, but not Cancel.

The event will be removed from the calendar where the deletion occurred, but will not affect any other calendar where the event has been placed.

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